First Aid

A dog with a fever rests with a cool compress to help bring his temperature down. Read all about fever in dogs and how to properly take their temperature.
Dog Care

Fever in Dogs

Fever in dogs is something many pet owners will encounter at one point or another. Even though it’s relatively common, it can still be scary to see your furry friend feeling ill. A fever is a sign that something is wrong with your dog’s body and can be caused by a variety of underlying conditions, ranging from infections to cancer. It’s important to pay attention to your dog’s temperature and other symptoms, as a fever can be a sign of a serious illness that requires prompt medical attention. What is a Fever in Dogs, and How Do You Check? Fever

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Diagnosing Your Dog

Warning Signs that Your Dog Has a Heart Problem

Like people, dogs can suffer from heart issues; if the problems are serious, they can even die. Protect your dog’s heart health by knowing the common signs and causes, learning how to keep their heart strong, and what to do if a problem exists. There are several warning signs that your dog may have a heart problem, the most telling being sudden collapse and difficulty breathing. If your dog experiences these symptoms and exhibits other symptoms, such as fever or lethargy, they likely have a heart problem. If your dog does not recover within a day or two, please schedule

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A dog is trying to go poop but because of constipation, he can’t. This article tells you all about dog constipation and how you can help your pup.
All About Dogs

Dog Constipation: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

As one of the most common digestive problems among animals, constipation — the difficulty or inability to have normal bowel movements — can affect dogs of all breeds, ages, and lifestyles.While constipation may be common in dogs, it should never be ignored. Left untreated, constipation can cause more serious health problems in the future, including lethargy, loss of appetite, and vomiting. Below is a guide to understanding the causes of constipation, recognizing the symptoms, and treating your pet. Causes of Dog Constipation A variety of different factors can contribute to constipation in your pet. Some of the most common causes

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A family heads out on a road trip with their family pet. The dog is more comfortable in the middle seat looking forward to prevent motion sickness
All About Dogs

Motion Sickness

One of our readers sent in a question to Dr. Weaver regarding motion sickness: We adopted a rescue, Molly, around eight months of age, in July 2007. She was emaciated, flea-bitten, and had a lampshade cord wrapped tightly around her neck. She was so weak she couldn’t stand and weighed around 14 lbs. She is now a very happy and healthy dog at about 26 lbs.I have been working with her to get her used to riding in our car. She shakes so severely and then throws up. I’ve given her Dramamine, and it doesn’t do anything. I took her

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A dog that doesn’t feel well and may have ingested poision.
Dog Care

3 Things to Do When Your Dog May Be Poisoned

Prevention Tips for Both Types of Pests Chocolate cake. Tulips. Wine.These are just a few of the seemingly harmless household items that can be harmful if ingested by your dog. As a Pack Leader, it’s essential to be aware of the many common substances that can be poisonous to your dog and the steps you can take to prevent and treat dog poisoning. If You Know or Suspect Your Dog is Poisoned First, remain calm. Though it’s important to act quickly, you must also act carefully — your actions may determine the outcome of your dog’s health emergency. Step 1

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How to Care for a Dog’s Broken Toenail

If your dog has a broken toenail, there’s no need to panic. It’s a fairly common injury that can happen for various reasons. The most important thing is to determine if your dog needs to see a vet. If the broken nail is causing your dog pain or bleeding excessively, then it’s best to err on the side of caution and make an appointment with your veterinarian. However, if the break is minor and your dog isn’t uncomfortable, you can likely treat it at home.  What are Broken Nails in Dogs? While most dog owners have likely seen their pet

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An injured dog sits next to his first aid kit his owner put together for emergencies. Read here to see recommendations on items that should be included in all pet first aid kids.
All About Dogs

A Checklist For Your Dog’s First Aid Kit

Do you have everything you need in case of an emergency with your dog? Many people assume they will take their pet to the vet if something goes wrong, but what if you can’t get there in time? All good dog parents want to keep their pups safe, which means being prepared for potential doggie disasters. One of the best ways to be ready is to create a first aid kit for your four-legged friend. First Aid Kit Items What exactly do dogs need in a first aid kit? Some of the items are probably obvious, but others may be

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A dog has its paw wrapped due to an injury from walking on hot pavement. Learn how to administer first aid at home if this should happen to your pup.
Dog Care

Treating Blisters On Paws

I recently saw an episode that said dogs need about a 45-minute walk per day. Well, I started walking my miniature dachshund this week, but we have only walked about 20 minutes each day so far. I noticed today after our walk that she was licking her paws a lot, and I was concerned. I just looked at them again, and she now has a couple of blister-looking sores on her pads. What should I do to help her with the pain and make sure her paws heal properly? Thanks, Tamara Richardson Boiling Springs, SC Dear Tamara, We see this

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Any pet that eats grass will probably vomit the grass and stomach contents. Grass has no food or medicinal value whatsoever to dogs and can cause gastrointestinal tract irritation or bleeding. First aid remedies for vomiting can be helpful or can be your pet’s worst enemy depending upon the cause of the vomiting. Using Kaopectate, Pepto Bismol, or herbal remedies for vomiting due to a foreign object penetration of the stomach or intestine can be disastrous! Your judgment regarding the seriousness of vomiting is critical. If the vomit contains blood, call the veterinarian immediately! Try cautious observation at home if

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Abrasions On Your Dog

When the top layers of skin are abraded, and tissue under the skin is not disturbed, we refer to this injury as a skin abrasion. Most superficial scrapes or wounds no longer than an inch or two can be treated with first aid, and larger or deeper abrasions require professional medical attention. Types of Abrasions Injuries can affect each dog differently. Knowing the difference of each type will aid you in understanding how to care for your pup and the type of first aid you or possibly your veterinarian will need to administer. Bites and Punctures A puncture can happen

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