
A dog gets a much-needed nail trimming from his loving owner. She chooses to use guillotine clippers because they are the most comfortable for her pup.
All About Dogs

Nail Clipping Tips

Nail Clipping Tips Are you worried about fleas and ticks? You’re not alone. Fleas and ticks are common problems for dogs, but you can help keep them under control. Here are some of the best ways to prevent fleas and ticks from making your pet miserable.Keeping your dog’s nails trimmed is a vital part of the dog grooming process. This is particularly important because getting too long can cause health problems, such as torn nails and even broken toes.For many people, though, the process can be intimidating, especially if their dog doesn’t like having its paws touched or held. There’s

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A dog owner prepares to brush her pup’s teeth with animal-approved toothpaste and toothbrush. Her furry friend is relaxed and calm.
All About Dogs

Dog Grooming Tips

Regular grooming is an essential part of responsible dog care. If you don’t have a routine, start small. Brush one day, bathe the next, and trim the nails. The shorter you can keep each session, the better. Brushing Tips Dogs need to be brushed regularly to keep their coats healthy and free of mats and tangles. While this may seem like a hassle, you can easily do it with the right tools and techniques. Below we will share the best ways to brush your dog’s fur. So if you’re looking for information on keeping your dog’s coat healthy and looking

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Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed (Much)

​​Just because you love dogs doesn’t mean you love having their fur all over your house. After all, who wants to sit on a couch that’s more hair than cushion? Or be forced to run their vacuum daily (okay, weekly) basis? And if you have allergies, a dog that sheds a lot can leave you sneezing, wheezing, or even covered with a nasty rash — not fun. In contrast, while not all low-shedding dogs (there’s no such thing as a dog who doesn’t shed at all) are hypoallergenic, they can help to keep you from pulling your hair out —

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a dog gets a relaxing bath to get clean
All About Dogs

How To Get Your Dog To Love Bath Time

If your dog hates bath time, it’s likely you do, too. It may be hard to imagine that you could turn it around and start viewing a bath as a time for bonding instead, but it is possible! The key is to have a strategy for the change. Here Are Some Tips for Developing Your Dog’s Love for Bath Time Take a Nice Long Walk First Many dogs naturally enjoy a dip in the water when they’re feeling hot and exhausted after exercise, so use those natural instincts to your advantage. Also, your dog will have less pent-up energy to

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All About Dogs

How To Bathe Your Dog

If you watch people bathing dogs in movies and TV shows, most of the time it seems like a joyous, fun-filled time for all involved. Unfortunately, bathing your dog in real life isn’t always such a positive experience. Dogs don’t mind being dirty and stinky — in fact, they like it quite a bit — and many aren’t afraid to put up a fight if they think that it will help them get out of bath time. And while watching a favorite actor run after a dog covered in soap suds may seem hilarious, it’s a lot less fun when

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Dogs get a relaxing bubble bath to freshen and clean.
All About Dogs

The Right Shampoo For Your Dog

You might share your couch, backyard, and living space with your dog, but there’s one thing you should never share with your canine companion — your shampoo. While human-grade shampoo might keep your own locks soft and lush, most varieties of human shampoo contain chemicals that are too harsh for your pooch’s sensitive skin. Fortunately, there are hundreds of brands of pet-friendly grooming products tailored to meet the unique needs and skin conditions of your dog. Dog shampoo can cleanse your dog’s coat of germs and insects, and add nutrients and vitamins to keep it healthy. However, when it comes

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A woman gives her puppy a much-needed hair cut
Dog Care

How To Use Dog Clippers and Groom a Dog

Do you spend way more than you can afford to get your dog’s fur professionally groomed? Or worse — let it grow until she looks like a cotton ball? Here is a solution: Give your pup a trim yourself! Grooming your pet is not only cost-effective, but also can help the dog feel more comfortable at home, and around you when grooming.  Obviously, this is easier said than done, but learning how to use dog clippers doesn’t require a college degree, and it’s nothing to be afraid of. These tips on how to properly use fur clippers, and nail trimmers,

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playful puppy covers his nose, allergies can wreak havoc on dogs

3 Tips On Combating Your Dog’s Seasonal Allergies

Do Dogs Get Seasonal Allergies?   Many of us are tormented by seasonal allergies, each of us with stories of reactions ranging from mild bother to complete torment. While they may not show it in the same way, our dogs can also be the victims of seasonal allergies. Pollen Allergies in Dogs The pollen in spring and summer and sometimes into the fall can be the worst for dogs. Tree pollen begins in spring as leaves start budding on the branches. Grass pollen gets heavier as summer comes along. If your pup should experience any of the below symptoms, contact

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Dog Care

The Secret Of Gray Hounds

If you’ve ever had a senior dog, you may have noticed that they got a little gray around the snout as they got older, not unlike humans. This makes sense, since the only difference between human hair and animal fur is the word we use to describe them. But what about the ways and reasons that humans and dogs go gray? Are they the same or different? One thing that dogs and humans do have in common is the ability to go gray prematurely. In humans, this is defined as the onset of gray hair before 20 for Caucasians and

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Dog Care

Consejos Para El Aseo De Tu Mascota

El aseo regular es una parte importante del cuidado responsable de una mascota, aunque pueda parecer que tu perro se hace cargo de estas necesidades por sí mismo. Si no tienes una rutina establecida, empieza poco a poco. Intenta una tarea de cada vez. Cepíllala un día. Báñala al día siguiente y córtala las uñas en el otro día. Cuanto más corta una sesión de aseo mejor. ¿Lista para empezar? Aquí están los consejos básicos para el aseo canino para hacer todo el proceso más fácil. Cepillando correctamente Al cepillar busca si hay garrapatas o pulgas. Puedes notar los insectos

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