Any pet that eats grass will probably vomit the grass and stomach contents. Grass has no food or medicinal value whatsoever to dogs and can cause gastrointestinal tract irritation or bleeding.

First aid remedies for vomiting can be helpful or can be your pet’s worst enemy depending upon the cause of the vomiting. Using Kaopectate, Pepto Bismol, or herbal remedies for vomiting due to a foreign object penetration of the stomach or intestine can be disastrous!

Your judgment regarding the seriousness of vomiting is critical. If the vomit contains blood, call the veterinarian immediately! Try cautious observation at home if your pet seems alert, active, and unconcerned about vomiting. Withhold food for 12-24 hours and allow water in small amounts. Many small breeds of dogs can suffer from low blood sugar if food is unavailable for longer than 18 to 24 hours.

After the vomiting has ceased for 4 hours, you may give ice chips or a small amount of water for 12 hours. If vomiting has not resumed, slowly increase the amount of water and food again over the next 24 hours. If the animal is not interested in food, vomits repeatedly, or seems cramped or in pain, it’s time to call the veterinarian.

Dr. Sherry Weaver

A dog lays down after not feeling well from vomiting. Learn all about why your pup feels sick and vomits. Read here about how you can help your dog feel better.

More Information About Your Vomiting Dog

Vomiting is a diagnostic sign that your dog may have eaten something toxic. A vomiting pet will often show other symptoms like abdominal heaving and nausea when eating things like chocolate or parsley, which can be challenging to diagnose without examining their mouth.

What Are the Causes of Vomiting in Dogs?

The most common cause for vomiting in canines is food-related, but there’s also something called grass sickness which happens when they overeat green vegetation, and it causes them to get sick. Below is a list of other issues that can cause your pup to be sick.

  • Intestinal parasites
  • Bacterial infections (gastrointestinal tract)
  • Ingestion of toxic substances
  • Diet change
  • Food intolerances
  • Bloat
  • Foreign substances in the gastrointestinal system (toys, garbage)
  • Viral infections
  • Heatstroke
  • Pancreatitis
  • Intestinal inflammation
  • Intestinal obstruction
  • Constipation
  • Pancreatitis
  • Cancer
  • Kidney failure
  • Liver failure
  • Colitis
  • Uterine infection

Symptoms That May Accompany Frequent Vomiting

Frequent throwing up can be an indication of a severe medical condition. If you notice any of these symptoms, talk to your pet care provider immediately!

  • Abdominal pain
  • Weakness
  • Vomit with blood in it
  • Depression
  • Weight loss
  • Dehydration
  • Fever
Alt: A dog does not have the appetite to eat dinner because of an upset stomach. Read about how you can know when to get your puppy to the vet or at-home treatment options.

How to Determine if Your Dog is Vomiting or Regurgitating

Vomiting can be a very unpleasant experience for dogs and results in the stomach ejecting its contents through the mouth, which happens by contracting muscles around this area and causing them to push everything out at once.

When a dog regurgitates, it’s usually an indication that something is wrong with its esophagus. Food will look the same as when eaten because it has not made it to the stomach. Dogs don’t have much control over this behavior. They will burp up whatever they’ve eaten before rather than pushing the material down into their stomachs, where acids would start breaking down proteins for digestion.

Treatment for Vomiting in Dogs

​​If the vet rules out underlying concerns, treatment can be as straightforward as a diet change. The dog may need to eat home-cooked food like skinless chicken or boiled potatoes for their upset stomach symptoms to go away. Your vet may prescribe antibiotics if the vomiting results from an infection. Other medications include antiemetics, which control and prevent excessive nausea in dogs.

When to See a Veterinarian About Vomiting in Dogs

Observe your dog for symptoms of illness. The earlier they are detected, the better chance there is at recovery and prevention from developing further complications or infections and being able to take steps towards treatment by explaining what you think may have caused it all along!

A lot can go wrong when animal owners aren’t aware of their pet’s condition right away- but luckily, this doesn’t always happen because most animals will let us know if something isn’t quite right.

Your vet will ask you a few questions about your pup and then use what they know from that information to decide which test is best for them. Tests can include blood tests or even endoscopy, but they vary depending on your pup’s symptoms and your vet’s suggestions.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dog Vomiting

What Home Remedy Can I Give for My Vomiting Dog?

Give your dog time to recover from an illness before trying new foods. This will help avoid any complications from food allergies or sensitivities, which can be dangerous for you and the pup! For vomiting, try withholding liquids for 12-24 hours, followed by gradual introduction back into the regular diet.

What Over-the-Counter Medications Can I Give to My Sick Dog?

Before administering any over-the-counter medications, please check with your pet care provider. Typically, offering a bland diet for a few days will get your dog back on track to feeling like normal again.

What if My Dog’s Stomach is Gurgling and He Won’t Eat?

Dogs who experience loud stomach gurgling in conjunction with episodes of diarrhea or poor appetite might be suffering from inflammatory bowel disease. Parasites and other chronic intestinal disorders also deserve attention from your vet, so they can help you handle this condition more effectively.

What Kind of Food Should I Feed My Dog With An Upset Stomach?

Please note that the right food to use varies per dog. Always call your vet and seek their advice before trying any new diets.


Pumpkin is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries to settle an empty stomach, and it also helps remove excess water in dogs’ digestive tracts. Canned unseasoned pumpkin is popular because it reduces instances of diarrhea! Please pay attention to labels and ensure you are not giving pumpkin pie filling; this could worsen symptoms.

Bone Broth

Bone broth is a superfood for your dog’s stomach. The broth has been known to heal intestines, reduce inflammation, and calm any upset that may be going on there.

Shredded Chicken

Shredded chicken is a nutritious and tasty way to get your dog excited about eating and it also helps when they’re feeling under the weather.

Baby Food

Giving your pet some tasty food might be the only thing to get them to eat. Before feeding, to entice a sick animal, try warming up baby foods, especially meat flavors like turkey or beef.

Chicken and Rice

Chicken and rice are great for those with upset stomachs and these mild foods will not make your pup sick or uncomfortable to eat.

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