First Aid

Dog Care

Broken Bones

By Dr. Sherry Weaver Broken bones in pets can range from being a nuisance to being a life threatening situation, especially if a sharp bone fragment severs an artery.  Be cautious about the pain response of any animal when they display the signs of a broken bone. If it is safe and not stressful for the pet, try to gently assess a traumatized area that may harbor a broken bone by looking for bruising, an abnormal contour to the surface that isn’t present on the opposite side, a twist to a limb that is not normal, or discomfort when local

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Dog Care

Hit By Car

Dr. Sherry Weaver Do not panic. Let the animal see you approach. Avoid making any sudden movements or loud noises. Speak gently to the animal. Ensure there is no danger of further damage to yourself or pet. Give first aid to any external injuries, minimize movement, and keep the animal warm. Immediate attention is required. Telephone your vet, and take your pet to the hospital immediately.

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