Health Care Issues

a dog enjoys the beautiful spring weather
All About Dogs

Best Heartworm Prevention For Puppies

Few things in life are as exciting or rewarding as welcoming a new puppy into the family. They’re adorable, they’re loving, they’re funny – and they’re also counting on you to help protect them from parasites and diseases. Here’s a quick look at common and preventable parasites and diseases and how you can start heartworm prevention. Heartworm Disease Transmission  Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitos, and the worms live in the heart and lungs of the dog. Clinical signs seen in dogs include cough, difficulty breathing, weight loss, exercise intolerance, and eventually heart failure and death. Unlike intestinal parasites, which can

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playful puppy covers his nose, allergies can wreak havoc on dogs

3 Tips On Combating Your Dog’s Seasonal Allergies

Do Dogs Get Seasonal Allergies?   Many of us are tormented by seasonal allergies, each of us with stories of reactions ranging from mild bother to complete torment. While they may not show it in the same way, our dogs can also be the victims of seasonal allergies. Pollen Allergies in Dogs The pollen in spring and summer and sometimes into the fall can be the worst for dogs. Tree pollen begins in spring as leaves start budding on the branches. Grass pollen gets heavier as summer comes along. If your pup should experience any of the below symptoms, contact

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Diagnosing Your Dog

The Scoop In The Poop: Your Dog’s Health Secrets Revealed

It may be an unpleasant reality but a necessary subject. Dog lovers have to deal with their dogs’ poop constantly, whether it’s cleaning up the yard, picking it up on a walk, or (we hope rarely if ever) scrubbing it off of a floor. While it may be tempting to try to look (and smell) the other way while taking care of a dog’s business, there’s actually quite a lot you can learn by paying attention to what’s coming out the other end, because various attributes of dog poop can tell you a lot about the health of your dog

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Dog Care

Bromethalin: The Invisible Killer Lying In Wait For Your Dog

There’s a hidden danger to your dogs that’s probably lurking around houses, apartment buildings, and offices and you may not even notice it. It’s extremely lethal in incredibly small amounts. Its name sounds rather innocuous: bromethalin — although it’s anything but. How did it get there? In an attempt to deal with one of humanity’s oldest nemeses: the rat. A short history of rats Rats have been a constant companion of humankind for as long as dogs have been, although a generally unwanted one. They have been associated with many diseases that can be transmitted to humans, were partly responsible

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Dog Care

Deadly Feast: Protecting Our Dogs At Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is an exciting time to be a dog. There are interesting smells, tons of people to give you attention, and — best of all — the opportunity to snag some delicious table scraps. As Pack Leaders we have to exercise caution, though all table scraps might look delicious to a dog, not all Thanksgiving food is good for them. If your dog gets into the wrong food, he can become quite ill. Nothing puts a damper on holiday festivities like having to rush your pooch to the emergency care center. So what should you watch out for? Turkey A

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Dog Care

Garden Dangers For Dogs: Common Plants That Can Kill

Unlike their feline counterparts, dogs aren’t strict carnivores. They have evolved with a scavenging instinct, causing them to eat whatever might fulfill their nutritional needs. They also have a penchant for exploring the world around them with their mouth. Unfortunately, as many Pack Leaders know, this results in dogs eating many things that aren’t very good for them. Dark chocolate, moldy garbage, and even rat poison are all dangerous items that dogs can and will eat inside the house given the chance. But outside in the garden, there are plants that can pose a threat to your pup as well.

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A dog gets a lump checked by the veterinarian. His owner noticed a strange mass and decided to have it looked at for evaluation. Early detection is essential
Diagnosing Your Dog

10 Early Signs Your Dog May Have Cancer

Early Warning Signs of Cancer There are many early warning signs of cancer in dogs and cats. Some of them can be very vague such as vomiting and diarrhea, and others can be self-explanatory, such as large lumps on the body that are easily observed and felt. Cancer is more common in older dogs and cats, but we must remember that even young dogs and cats can develop cancer. As I mentioned above, any noticeable lumps or bumps on the body, head, or legs could potentially be a cancerous tumor. Hard nodes that are well-attached to underlying tissues are more

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Choosing/Working With a Vet

8 Secrets To Stress-Free Vet Visits

Vet visits are an essential part of every dog’s life, if only for routine check-ups and yearly vaccinations. With a little careful preparation they needn’t be traumatic — for your dog or you! If you can make your puppy’s first vet visit relaxed, she won’t develop anxiety about future appointments. Your puppy should be comfortable with being touched. Dogs aren’t naturally comfortable with having their tail lifted or their belly, feet, and nails touched. Find a time when your puppy is relaxed and calm and get him used to these actions. If it’s something that he becomes accustomed to with

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A dog digs in a trash can that was knocked over.
All About Dogs

What To Do If Your Dog Eats Something It Shouldn’t

Have you ever heard the expression “eat like a dog” or “dogs eat anything?” Ever wonder where those stem from? If you own a dog, you know firsthand that from time to time they get curious and occasionally try to ingest something that they shouldn’t. We’ve all heard horror stories of a dog having to be rushed to the ER to have his stomach pumped, or know of a person whose pup has passed a foreign object and was back to normal immediately after. What should you do if your dog eats something that he shouldn’t? Should you take him

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brown dog scratching fleas
Dog Care

Fleas And Ticks And Burrs — Oh My!

Summertime means sunshine, backyard barbecues, and lots of fun. But for your dog, the season unfortunately comes with a few hitches. Spending more time outdoors increases your pup’s chances of getting burrs, fleas, and even ticks. Read on for the best tips on how to combat the summer’s puppy predicaments. Getting Rid of Fleas For a pet owner, the arrival of warm, humid summer weather also means it’s flea season once again. If you happen to find the annoying little insects on your baby, remember to treat your house at the same time you treat your hound to prevent re-infestation.

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