Five Pack Leadership Techniques

A man and his puppy bond outside
Dog Care

The Look Of Love: How Humans And Dogs Bond

There’s a reason that human mothers bond with their newborn children so quickly. This is because the process of pregnancy and birth releases various hormones, particularly oxytocin. Ocytocin  When oxytocin works on various parts of the body, it is responsible for causing contractions during labor, as well as allowing the mother to lactate and feed her child. But when it goes to work in the brain, something else happens — it fosters bonding between humans and, in the case of a mother, facilitates maternal instincts. Oxytocin is common in many mammals and plays the same roles. However, scientists have so

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All About Dogs

How To Get A Dog To Trust You

  We’ve probably all had the experience of asking whether we could pet someone’s dog only to have the dog completely ignore us or try to run away, and it’s not uncommon for adult rescue dogs to be a little aloof at first. It’s easy to take this personally and think that the dog doesn’t like us, but that’s because we’re looking at it from a human perspective. When two human strangers meet, our rules say that we introduce ourselves and shake hands. Dogs don’t have that rule with other dogs or with humans. Dog socialization is different from human

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All About Dogs

5 Tips For Building Boundaries

It’s important to give a dog rules, boundaries, and limitations. In other words, our dogs need to know what they can do, where they can do it, and for how long. In this article, I’m going to focus on boundaries: teaching your dog where they are and are not allowed to go. Here are 5 Tips For Building Boundaries Establishing boundaries can solve canine behavior problems like getting on the furniture, begging at the table, or bolting when a door is opened. In effect, when you create a boundary you’re building an invisible barrier and teaching your dog not to

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Read your dog's body language to understand their personality.
Dog Psychology

Pack Leadership Technique 5: Read Your Dog’s Body Language.

Read Your Dog’s Body Language. While humans primarily use words to communicate, dogs use energy to communicate, expressing it through body language. To communicate with our dogs, we need to learn and adapt their ‘language’ rather than expecting them to learn ours. Decoding Your Dog’s Language One way to decode a dog’s language is to remember that Energy = Intention _ Emotion. A dog’s energy ‘ his intention and emotions, working together ‘ are communicated by his body language. A dog’s play bow to another dog illustrates how this works. The motion is forward, but the front of the dog’s

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All About Dogs

5 Steps To Being The Pack Leader

Before you can have a balanced pack, you have to have a Pack Leader, and the leader(s) needs to be every human in the pack, all the way from the oldest family member to the youngest — including the grandparents and even the baby. In order to achieve this position, you have to let your dog know that the people are in charge, but you can’t do that with words. You have to communicate with your dog in the way that she’ll understand, which means that you have to learn to think like a dog. Before you can think like

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Cesar Millan trains a dog to be a pack leader
Cesar Millan

Presidential Leadership with Your Dog

In February in the U.S., we have two holidays in a row celebrating presidents’ birthdays — Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. They are two of the country’s most famous and highly regarded presidents. Both of them appear on our money — coins and paper — and they make up one-half of Mount Rushmore. Any time there’s a list of “10 Best Presidents,” whether voted on by the public or created by historians, these two are at the top, usually along with Franklin Delanor Roosevelt. It really says something about their legacy that very few people who were adults when FDR

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A loyal dog is not hard to find, it is one of their best qualities
Cesar Millan

Your Dog’s Greatest Super Power

We Can Learn a lot from a Dog’s Character Work Well Together Dogs have a lot of admirable traits that humans can learn from. They can be tireless and persistent in pursuit of a goal, and they can work together very well with other dogs whether they’re pulling a sled, herding sheep, or hunting prey. Great Listeners They are incredible listeners, although they listen to a lot more than just words. Every moment, your dog is reading your energy and your body language and reacting appropriately, whether you know it or not. However, there is one trait that is practically

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Cesar Millan

Chaos And Change

A week ago, there was another unfortunate mass-shooting that reminds us of the fragility of life. Now, it’s a myth that we’re the only species that kills its own. Nature is full of examples of that. The difference is that one animal will kill another of its kind for very specific survival reasons — food, territory, or competition over a mate. Humans will murder for those same reasons, but there are two more that are uniquely human motives. Humans will commit murder over ideas, and will sometimes do it to get something they want. I believe that these two motives

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Cesar trains a group of new pack leaders
Cesar Millan

Calm And Consistent

There’s one thing that’s inevitable in Nature, and that’s change. There are simple and constant changes, like sunrise and sunset, and the turning of seasons. There are unpredictable and enormous changes, like hurricanes and forest fires. A physicist would tell you that change is the only way we can tell which way time is passing. Put an ice cube on the table and you’ll wind up with a puddle of water, but it never works the other way around. Now, since they’re instinctual, you’d think that dogs would be better at adapting to change than humans are — but that

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A New Fix For An Old Problem

I always like it whenever science backs up something that I’ve known for years, and that was why I was very excited this week to start up a new project with the audiobook company Audible. After a study with a hundred dogs, the findings suggest that leaving a virtual companion behind can help dogs remain calm and prevent separation anxiety. I’ve always known the power of the human voice as a calming influence, especially on our dogs — but that’s because, even as a little kid in Mexico in the 1970s, I had audiobooks around. Of course, those audiobooks didn’t

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