A puppy has collected his owner’s shoes while she is away at work. Separation anxiety is causing the dog to chew on items that are forbidden.
It’s happened to all of us. We come home from a long day at work, and our dog is excited to see us. But when we enter the door, we realize that our house has been turned into a disaster zone. Chewed-up furniture, shredded pillows, and god knows what else… It’s enough to make you never want to leave your dog alone again. But don’t worry – there are ways to stop your dog from chewing everything in sight. This post will outline tips and tricks for preventing your pup from ruining your favorite things.

Understand Why Your Dog is Chewing

You’ve likely encountered the problem of your pup chewing on items they shouldn’t. It can be frustrating and dangerous if your dog starts gnawing on furniture, electrical cords, or other objects in your home. But why do dogs chew?


If your dog is hungry or on a restrictive diet, it could lead to them chewing on objects that look or smell like food. This is because they are looking for a way to get the necessary nutrients and energy. So, if you see your dog chewing on something they shouldn’t, it may be time to reevaluate their diet.

Separation Anxiety

When a dog is left alone, it may experience separation anxiety, and anxiety can lead to behavioral problems like chewing and general destructiveness. If you’re leaving your dog home alone, give them plenty of toys and food to keep them occupied.

Remain Calm

Unleashing your anger on your dog won’t accomplish anything. It can cause further unbalance – and he will seek another object to chew to calm down! Two things you can do is take a deep breath and count to ten. Removing yourself from the situation for a few minutes can help bring peace so you can calmly approach your pup and move forward.

Correct Your Dog

Do not try to grab the object or take the dog away from the thing. Instead, you can use a light touch correction on the neck or hindquarters to get your dog’s attention away from the object.

Train Using Basic Commands

Dogs are amazing creatures that can be taught a variety of basic commands. Teaching these commands to your dog can help make your life together much easier and more enjoyable.

Leave It

When your dog gets curious, and let’s face it, this is bound to happen quite often. Teaching the “leave it” command is essential for safety when their nose or eyes detect something dangerous.


Usually, the sit command is taught first as it is easier to learn. A dog obeying the most basic instructions is calmer and easier to control.


Teaching your dog to come can keep your pup out of trouble if a door is left open or they get loose from the leash.

Redirect the Behavior

If the correction didn’t get your dog to obey, try something else, such as a treat or another toy. Redirecting a dog is essential for both the dog and the people in its life, and it can help keep the dog safe and prevent it from getting into trouble. There are a few basic steps to redirecting a dog, and with practice, you’ll be able to do it quickly and easily.

Be Consistent

One of the main reasons why consistency is so important when training dogs is because they rely on routine more than anything else. Dogs like knowing what is going on and what is expected of them. If you vary how you train your dog from day to day or from person to person, they will become confused and may not respond as well to training overall. Being consistent teaches your furry friend that there is always a predictable outcome for their actions, which helps them learn faster and reduces frustration on both ends!
A dog gnaws on a kitchen chair. In this article, learn how to train your dog to chew on only approved items and steps you can take to teach obedience.

Claim the Object

Use your energy and body language to communicate to your dog that the object is yours. It can be helpful to imagine an invisible boundary around you and the object. Another recommendation is to dog-proof your house and put away off-limit things. Encourage your family to put personal belongings away and behind closed doors.

Find Safe Chew Toys

Many dogs use chewing as a way to calm themselves. Puppies who are teething chew to relieve pain. Provide an object they can safely gnaw on, such as a chew toy or a bully stick. One side note, do not give your pup an old shoe or couch pillow to play and gnaw on, as this sends conflicting messages that these types of objects are allowed. Your faithful friend cannot distinguish between your favorite new heels and old worn-out boots.

Supervise Your Dog

Until your dog is consistently chewing on appropriate toys, never leave them unsupervised with a toy. When unsupervised, dogs often chew items they shouldn’t, such as furniture or shoes. In addition, leaving a dog unsupervised with a toy can be dangerous; they may choke on it or swallow it whole. Supervising your dog can ensure they stay safe and only chew on appropriate items.
We understand that not everyone has the luxury of staying home for extended periods to watch and train your furry friend. Try leaving your dog in a small room with a baby gate or door closed for up to six hours. Be careful not to leave items that are dangerous to chew on, but rather leave a variety of safe and appropriate toys. Remember, when you return home from work, you should provide plenty of exercise and physical movement.

Physical Exercise

It is crucial to provide your dog with plenty of physical exercise. If dogs are bored, they will most likely chew something up because that’s one-way dogs entertain themselves when given nothing else! Daily walks and outings to burn off excess energy, tug-of-war games, or fetching items are some ways to get your pup active.

Mental Stimulation

If you’re looking for something to keep your furry friend happy and entertained, you should try giving them some mental stimulation. Puzzles, treat dispensers, and even just hiding their food around the house can help keep your pup’s mind active and healthy.

Seek Professional Help

If your dog still has trouble chewing even after trying all the above tips, it may be time to seek professional help. Enlisting a professional dog trainer can be expensive, but it may be worth it if your dog’s chewing problem persists. Professional trainers can help you determine why your dog is chewing and devise a customized plan to address the issue. In addition, they can provide valuable guidance on preventing future problems. If you decide to go this route, research and find a reputable trainer with experience working with dogs with similar issues.

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