Day: December 1, 2015

Fun Ways To Include Your Dog In Holiday Festivities

Fun Ways To Include Your Dog In Holiday Festivities

While most people may be focused on what gifts to give or how to fit in every holiday party on their schedule, Pack Leaders also have another goal: dog-friendly holidays. Part of this means keeping your dog safe during festivities. The holidays can be perilous for four-legged family members if you’re not careful. Just a […]

A Day At The Beach: Controlling Your Dog’s Excitement

A Day At The Beach: Controlling Your Dog’s Excitement Cesar, a woman, and her dog walk on the beach

How does your dog react when she sees another dog on the walk? If she pulls or gets excited, it can turn a pleasant experience into a nightmare and earn you and your dog a bad reputation. It isn’t such a difficult problem to solve, though. In the second installment of “Chance Encounters with Cesar […]

One Big Barktoberfest: Dog Culture In Germany

One Big Barktoberfest: Dog Culture In Germany

It might be an understatement to say that Germans love their beer, and even more of an understatement to say they love their dogs. But when you put a dog and a beer together, it evokes a particular image that is familiar to many Americans. After all, what’s more traditional than getting together with good […]